Avenue TV Commercial

Here is my TV Commercial Directorial Debut!

Orange Theatre Company presents

Avenue Q

5 -7 July 2012

Orange Civic Theatre

Book at the Box Office ph 02 6393 8111 or http://www.ticketek.com.au

Published in: on June 6, 2012 at 07:39  Leave a Comment  
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3D Disaster – Elderly Australian Woman Gets Window Instead of TV

This was a guest article I submitted to The Mainland. Thanks to Rob Rubin for the opportunity.

New South Wales, Australia

27 December 2011

Duped Pensioner – “It’s much better with curtains now”

An elderly Australian woman was shocked to discover that a 55 inch 3D LCD television that she had paid to have installed was in fact just a new window cut into her living room wall.

“I went out shopping when the tradesmen were working,” she stated. “When I returned they had gone and I was particularly excited to see that they had left the new TV on for me.”

The tech savvy septuagenarian could not find the remote control but assumed that it would be delivered separately . Grabbing her knitting, she relaxed in her favourite chair and was particularly impressed by the 3D capabilities of her new “TV”.

“The screen was blurry without glasses. I put my bifocals on and the whole world came to life in immersive 3D. However, when I think about it, that’s what happens whenever I put my glasses on.”

The woman enjoyed watching her new window for several hours, thinking that she was viewing a screensaver. She reported, “I was a little confused when my neighbour appeared on the TV mowing his lawn, but I heard he likes singing so I thought I might be watching one of those karaoke background videos.”

Later that night, the grandmother of seven was pleased when her new acquisition turned itself off at sundown, thinking it was an environmental feature.

She eventually realised she had been tricked several weeks later when birds started killing themselves by flying into the window and the cleaning lady opened up the new “television” to air the room after mopping.

Published in: on January 2, 2012 at 05:46  Leave a Comment  
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